The University will enrol students in academic programmes, excel in research, create scholarships and will provide academic and research stimulation, stewardship and a role model for the colleges.

NUP will provide mobility to students and faculty to pursue higher order research, forge research linkages and develop interfaces with the demand/market /economic mainstream setting up.

NUP is in line with the philosophy and stated policy of the Federal Government to bring higher education closer to the places of abode of prospective students. This would benefit more the weaker socio-economic sections of the population, especially the womenfolk who have taboos on their mobility due to social or pecuniary issues.

The existing degree colleges operating under umbrella of Federal Government Educational Institutions (Cantts/Garrisons) Directorate across Pakistan and their degree programmes are affiliated with the University.

The school education of Federal Government Educational Institutions though not administered by the University will continue to have an organic connection. These institutions will primarily serve as the feeding institutions.